Exercise has been proven to be an advantageous source for better behavioral practices in students. Let's explore how...
In order to improve behavior in the classroom, ensuring that all students have the resources to participate in regular breaks with some variation of physical activity is key. Exercise has been proven to increase the neural and cognitive adaptations that are necessary to allocate attention to specific tasks in the classroom. Additionally, institutions that offer and encourage sports opportunities for students not only provide cognitive benefits, but a greater likelihood that they will be less likely to engage in risky behaviors.
Want options for exercise breaks?
Check out the exercise variations below!
How are schools using physical activity to their advantage?
"Zero Hour"
The Naperville, Illinois school district implemented "Zero Hour" as an allotted time for workout before school begins. Since the start of this program, the higher exercise scores showed direct correlation with higher test scores. This is a great example of how "physical activity can have a positive influence on memory, concentration, and classroom behavior."
strategies for school
Techniques for student of all ages
Break Session
Allow yourself regular breaks during homework to allow your brain and body to reset
Make Time For Exercise
Having a regular exercise regimine can increase positive concentration, study, and behavioral habits
Sports and Extracirriculars
Participating in sports or extracurricular activities helps stay on track for success in school
tested and proven
Although these practices are not only applicable to younger students, this journal supports the idea that healthy students learn better, think better, and adopt better behaviors inside and outside the classroom. Intermittent and long-term participation in physical activity can boost cognitive function while teaching students how to create healthy habits in terms of their own personal study and exercise behavior. Frequent breaks dedicated to physically activity are important especially to students in pertinent developmental phases of life. Studies are still being conducted to see the effects of exercise programs on time on task and attention to task in school settings. Through exercise, healthy brains receive relief from other distractions and conditions that could encourage the student to act inappropriately.